Nap time. The moment when we get that little one down to sleep and run into another room, usually the kitchen or living room, to get something done that we cannot do when those sweet little babes are awake. Whether it is grabbing a quick bite to eat or let's face it, we'll starve for the day...or getting that much needed bathroom break where you think you might literally pee in your pants as an adult or just taking a moment for you; some peace and quite time (I'm laughing because I know this is rare for every mother!). In most cases though, this is the perfect time to get things done around the house.
However, what do you do when your little one refuses to nap in his crib? You improvise! Jase is still in the rocking-to-sleep phase even though I feel that he's at an age where I should be able to put him in his crib somewhat tired and expect that he would fall asleep on his own. Yeah right! That's my wishful thinking talking. Now, every child is different, but I'm convinced I'm not the only one that has a 14-month old that still gets rocked to sleep.
So we start nap time with me rocking him in his chair and him falling asleep within 10 minutes or so. After he falls asleep, I slowly get up, fingers crossed, and tip-toe towards the crib. When I start that slow descend down to the crib, his body stiffens, legs go straight out, eyes shoot wide open and he cries. My reaction? SHIT. Back to the chair we go.
The very odd thing is it doesn't happen every time. I can put him down for the morning nap, but not the afternoon nap. The next day could be completely different and he could go in the crib for both naps or neither nap. He just started this lovely habit this month, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say it has something to do with teething. The only way I can get a small glimpse of freedom for a few minutes is to get him into that deep sleep and slide a boppy next to him in place of me. The only other option for nap time is driving around in the car and turning on the love channel on XM. Believe it or not, works every time.
Hopefully this is just a phase he's going through, but brings me to my next topic: CIO. Until then, here are some pictures to make you laugh!
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