Thursday, April 2, 2015

The day I get my house back

I often look around the house and think "MY GOD! What happened to my house?!" It used to be so clean and Pinterest inspired a lot of the organization that we had. So what in the world happened? I look around the house and see toys, toys, and more toys. I see laundry in baskets getting wrinkled and dishes piled up in the sink. Diapers overflow the trash in the bathroom and nursery (don't even get me started on the dirty ones). Dust builds up on the dresser, the TV cabinet, and the tables. The fridge is a wreck. Our kitchen is now the staging area for food disasters and tiny tantrums. Our cabinets were taken over by sippy cups, bowls, baby food, kid-friendly snacks, and a wide array of infant medicines. 

As someone that has major OCD and germaphobia, this just seems unacceptable to me. On the days that I get a chance to clean...and I'm talkin' that good deep doesn't take long to go right back to a war zone. They say if you have OCD, it is supposed to disappear when you have kids...or maybe it's "you're supposed to let it go". Easier said than done, but I've come to terms with it a bit. 

I pick up toys most every night after Jase goes to sleep, but the next morning, I'm stepping on the loudest, sharpest freakin toy ever made (you know the one when you haven't had your morning coffee). 

When I go visit my friends that have kids, I look around and realize it's not just me. Then I think, okay my house isn't that bad. That bad! My standards have now changed. Yikes. Yes, to all my wonderful friends with kids, I'm looking at your house and your mess. But I am definitely not judging you because I know what you're dealing with!

But, and this is a big BUT...! I couldn't imagine it any other way. A few weeks ago, we installed new floors in the living room. We had to move every single last little toy into the playroom area. When the floors were done, I stood looking around shaking my head. It just wasn't right. No riding cars. No teethers. No trucks or lawnmowers. No cups anywhere. No toy box. No toys in sight. It was in that moment when I realized life was pretty boring before this kiddo came along.

I quickly ran to the playroom and grabbed all the living room toys and scattered them around the floor. I sat back and breathed a sigh of relief knowing that everything was back in its clustered, chaotic place. I thought for a moment and realized that with all the stress and aggravation that comes with the house being in shambles, it also means that the day I get my house back will be a bittersweet moment because it will mean that my little boy is all grown. 

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