Sunday, May 24, 2015

Top 5 Newborn Items You Must Have

As expectant moms, it's common to wonder what you will need when that sweet bundle of joy arrives. It's easy to get caught up in the frenzy of registering for items. There are a million and one things to choose from. The excitement builds for months and months until that day comes when you're handed a scanning gun. Now, most moms (dads too!) will start clicking everything they see without thinking, "Will we really need that?". By the time all is said and done, you look back at the registry or have the item in hand and you don't even know what it does. Because of this, I've compiled a list of the top 5 must have items for your newborn baby.

1.  Long Sleeve Onesie with Mitten Cuff

You really don't think about how often you will use this, but believe me, your baby will live in them for the first month! The mitten cuffs are perfect for helping keep face scratches to a minimum. The baby gloves just don't work as well as the built-in cuffs.
Gerber® Onesies® Newborn 3 Pack Long-Sleeve Onesies
$9.99 at Target

2.  Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water

Before I had Jase, I only heard the term "gripe water" once or twice. I had no idea what it was used for. After I had Jase, this became an essential! It worked miracles on his hiccups and gas, which he had quite often. 
Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water, 4 fl oz
$9.98 at Walmart

3.  Boppy Pillow

Whether you are breast feeding or formula feeding, a boppy is a life saver. This helps the baby get info a comfy position as well as saving mom's back and arms! The boppy also has a variety of covers to choose from so it matches any decor.
Boppy® Infant Feeding/Support Pillow with Peaceful Jungle Slipcover
$29.99-$39.99 for Boppy Pillow & Slip covers at BuyBuyBaby

4.  A Good Bottle - I preferred Playtex VentAire

Everyone has their favorite choice on bottles and most will say Dr. Browns bottles. However, every baby is different and the Dr. Browns bottles just did not work for us. We found Playtex VentAire (we started with the old version and mid-way through, Playtex discontinued and created a new style). We never had any colic issues with Jase. These bottles are fantastic and come in larger ounces as well. 
$12.19 for a 3pk at Target
5.  Something comfy and safe for your baby to sleep in

Whether it's a bassinet, pack n' play (travel crib), co-sleeper, moses basket, or some other type of contraption, it is important to find something your baby will enjoy sleeping in. It's also important to have something that you feel comfortable with your baby sleeping in as well. We had a crib, a pack n play, and a bassinet. The crib didn't get used for the first three months that Jase was home. The first few nights at home were the scariest and hardest. We used the top section of the pack n' play which worked wonderful in the living room. However, when I was ready and physically able to get back into bed, the pack n' play was too large for the bedroom. The bassinet was too large and open and just didn't make us feel comfortable. We went on the hunt for something for Jase to sleep in and found the absolute best item. This was by far the best purchase we made and Jase slept in it until we transitioned him to the crib. The Rock n' Play Sleeper has a slight tilt and is cozy-snug for a swaddled baby. It also put our fears to rest (well not ALL of them) about Jase choking in his sleep and fit perfectly next to the bed.

$50-80 at various stores. Babies R Us