Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Check up high and low

A couple of weeks ago, Jase had his 15-month check up. I always dread those because those poor little kids have to get so many shots when they are young. This time around, he was only getting two shots. 

When we got to the doctor's office, we checked in and sat down in the well check waiting area. Jase ran back and forth looking at all the different things in the room...seemingly excited to be there. As he ran towards the door that leads back to the check-up rooms, the nurse opened it and said "Jase". When she saw that he was already standing there, she looked over at me and said "he is way too happy to be here!" Thankfully, Jase really loves his doctor, but the nurses he could take or leave. 

We were directed to room 13 and began the 20 question game. Is he on this; is he on that; how many times does he do this or that; can he do this; does he take that or eat this; any questions or concerns for the doctor today? The list goes on and on. As a parent, you always want to answer correctly or hope what you're saying doesn't sound too dumb. 

After the series of questions, the nurse took his measurements, but not without a good fight and crying fit on Jase's end. Even getting his weight made him pitch a fit. Not sure he liked that nurse too much. 

The doctor finally entered the room and went through the growth development and gave the all good thumbs up. The next step was to check ears, nose, and throat. We imagined this wouldn't happen without another fight, but as the doctor checked Jase's ears, I calmly said "still, still, almost done". No tears. No fits. The doctor looked at me in amazement and said "you walked him right through that!" I politely smiled, but inside I'm thinking high fives everywhere...boom. I'm good!

Same thing with throat and nose. I looked over at Jase and told him to open and stuck my tongue out at him. His adorable reaction was to open his mouth and say "aahhhhh". Perfect. No fits! Jase gave the doctor high five and did some other tricks. He was happy as could be.

"Smart little boy and right on track" said the doctor. "Looks like he got his parents' smarts". I smiled, shook his hand and beamed from ear to ear. Then I thought, I wonder if he says that to everyone? Either way, I was happy for a good report and of course every mom wants to hear how smart their child is. The doctor gave him a sticker and walked out. 

Just as I was about to get Jase dressed and leave, the nurse walked back in with the shots. I cringed because I was still reveling in the 'my child is a genius' feeling that I forgot about the shots. It's the worst thing to pin your child to the table while the nurse jabs needles into your baby's legs. I swear it looks like they go bone deep with those things. She made a comment about how strong he was as she was trying to hold his legs still. There we were with a crying baby again. Our happy moment didn't last too long! 

Kid are like dogs...sort of

I remember back when the thought of having a kid was just that...a thought. One night, pre baby, I was giving my two chihuahuas a bath and I said "there's no way I can have kids. You have to feed them and bathe them every day and who has time for that!" Silly me right?

Over the years, I've noticed that the busier you are in life the more a person is able to accomplish. This reigned true when I was working, attending school, finishing papers and blogs, and interning. I felt like I had the most free time ever. I always found myself hiking or finding new trails and hanging out with friends. 

When I got pregnant, I instantly thought about all the time I would need to create in order to fit taking care of a baby into my hectic life. It's amazing how we are able to make the time for things that are important. When Jase was born, it was a major lifestyle change for sure, but in a great way. He gets fed and bathed every day! **miracle huh? 

I almost feel bad for the dogs! They barely get enough attention now, but half the time I find myself saying "no no" to them like they are Jase or yelling all three names when trying to get their attention (Chopper, no Spence...I mean Jase!!) I've also been known to slip a few times and call the crib a crate or vice versa. It's easy to mix everything up! They are so much the same in the manner of taking care of them, but they are so different too. They all pee, poop, sleep, eat, have mistakes, need their nails trimmed and get more check ups than I ever will in a lifetime!

Even though our fur babies were the original children in our house, they are outnumbered by a 15 month old that loves to chase them!